Welcome to What We're Reading, a weekly rundown of news stories, marketing columns, and B2B industry news that caught our eye.

Make your business stand out with interactives

Interactive content is a great way for small businesses to stand apart from the crowd, and it doesn’t have to break the budget, according to Forbes. Here’s how quizzes, polls, videos, and other interactives can engage audiences.

2023 trends to inspire your website header

Check out some trends to make your website headers pop. We think mega menus (or meganavs) are coming back with a bang, but Codrops also covers multi-level headers, transparent backgrounds, and more.

Marketers and data analysts: Team up to tackle these 4 problems

Media fragmentation, external factors (e.g., the pandemic and global events), lack of context, and legal limitations are 4 common issues facing marketers. MarTech says they can team up with data analysts to make big strides.

Let’s talk about sustainable web development

Did you know the internet emits roughly as much carbon as the entire continent of Africa? Smashing Magazine discusses sustainable web design and how to start a conversation about it within your organization.

While you're here, did you know we're hiring a Project Coordinator? If that sounds up your alley, read the job description and apply here.