Write the perfect webinar script with these tips

Webinars are a great tool for reaching and engaging with audiences around the world, but speaking in them can certainly be nerve-wracking. Preparing a script helps you deliver a useful, relevant webinar that prevents panellists from going off-topic. See some webinar best practices and an example script at Hubspot.com.

Google algorithm updates: A brief timeline

Google consistently updates how its search engine works over the years to prioritize user experience and search intent while discouraging low-quality content and spam. Do you remember what Google was like in 2011? We don’t, but this timeline is a great visualization of how the world’s biggest search engine has changed over the years.

Are Super Bowl ads becoming more out-of-touch?

If these Super Bowl ads have anything to teach us, it’s that we need just one more thing to be happy, whether it’s a new job, a refreshing low-calorie beer or the perfect website. This isn’t a new strategy: by filling you with optimism and enthusiasm, you’re (supposedly) more likely to chase that feeling and buy the product or service featured. Check out the ads at Fast Company to see what we mean.