Motum B2B at Dot One
In October, the Motum B2B team presented at Craft CMS’s one-day event in Toronto. Here’s a rundown of everything you should know.

Hosted in London, Amsterdam, Barcelona, and other cities around the world, it’s safe to say Dot One is a global event. For its Toronto edition, Ryan Iusi, our Technical Program Manager, and Chris Fantauzzi, our Front-End Lead, joined the roster to talk about how Craft CMS (of which we're a verified partner) revolutionized our approach to email development.
As part of that, we shared some interesting insights you should know.
Email is (largely) stuck in the past
When the MIME standard was created in 1995, it expanded the content capability of emails to include images, audio, and video alongside text. Since then, HTML email capabilities haven’t progressed as much as you’d think. Today, it’s still the basic building block of the web and, with countless web browsers and web clients popping up since, developers have been forced to cater to the worst of those to ensure emails work for everyone.
Clients are still running into problems from the 90s
Whether it’s misaligned elements, content being squeezed into narrow columns, broken links, font issues, or layout renderings, clients are still running into challenges they were facing back when Friends had just debuted and Tamagotchis were as important as pets. It’s led to a wave of clients shunning creativity for repetitive designs and costly technical fixes.
That said, email is still super important
In fact, it’s never been more useful for B2B organizations. Consumers spend an average of 10 seconds reading brand emails and, when it comes to B2B specifically, there are 52% more clicks on B2B emails versus B2C and 97% more clicks to open. Not only that, but 64% of B2B marketers feel email helped them reach their business goals.
Introducing Craft as a solution
With the help of a skilled development team, we showcase how leveraging the powerful capabilities of a CMS like Craft can not just bring email out of the dark ages but offer something that’s consistent, easy to create, and reliable in the long-term. Its functionality for templating, media, quality of life, and maintainability means there are options to leverage website content for emails and create endless custom templates and variations. As a verified Craft partner, we consider it one of the most powerful and versatile ways to build emails.
Want to see how we can use it to bring your email strategy up to date?
Speak to our team of experts today.