Kicking a paid LinkedIn campaign into gear
An industrial vacuum provider sends a resounding social media message with lightning-fast results
Kicking a paid LinkedIn campaign into gear
An industrial vacuum provider sends a resounding social media message with lightning-fast results
As a company that designs and builds industrial vacuums, DuroVac has many customers with regulatory concerns. With an upcoming deadline for important compliance measures, Motum B2B recognized a perfect opportunity for DuroVac to reach new leads who might be scrambling to comply.
Motum B2B created a two-pronged approach using LinkedIn sponsored posts and InMail. Messaging highlighted the looming deadline and its importance to the industry as a whole. We also positioned DuroVac as a provider of expert solutions.
While our sponsored posts delivered a high number of impressions, our sponsored InMail offered more in-depth knowledge. Both campaigns used Lead-Gen forms with a whitepaper explaining how facility managers, supervisors and directors can use DuroVac vacuums in their safety and compliance efforts.
The campaign generated a strong response from the target audience, generating 50 percent more leads than forecasted in just one month with an average cost per lead of less than $100.