Welcome to What We're Reading, a weekly rundown of news stories, marketing columns, and B2B industry news that caught our eye.

Why are brand assets so important in B2B?

Brand assets are supposed to trigger your brand name in the minds of buyers, but a study detailed in Adweek says most B2B brands lack recognizable assets. Find out why they’re so important and learn to build a strong, memorable brand asset portfolio.

How to humanize B2B ad creative

We’re all human, vendors and buyers alike. The Drum says B2B brands can improve their creative effectiveness in advertising by building empathy in three ways: mapping out the customer experience, understanding the context of the audience’s professional lives, and capturing the right customer data.

Here’s how B2B marketers plan to use tech next year

According to a mix of survey results shared by Insider Intelligence, B2B firms are planning to tighten their belts in 2023 and 2024, holding off on investments in generative AI tools and prioritizing technology that adds automation or saves time.

Infographic: 5 proven ways to justify marketing spend

As budgets tighten for some B2B marketers, this MarketingProfs blog shares an infographic with five effective approaches to help your marketing initiatives pass scrutiny by higher-ups and get the funds needed to succeed.

How do you keep images on-brand?

Follow our guide to stay consistent.