Welcome to What We're Reading, a weekly rundown of news stories, marketing columns, and B2B industry news that caught our eye.

How bold B2B creative makes a bigger impact

A bolder approach to B2B creative isn’t just about being less “boring” (although that is a good motivation) – it can raise profits and market share, strengthen pre-purchase awareness, and create meaningful connections with your audience. CMSWire explains how.

EU releases statement on Meta’s ad model

According to European Union regulators, Meta violated the Digital Markets Act with its “pay or consent” ad model, which forces users to either consent to have their personal data collected or pay for ad-free use of its platforms. MarTech breaks down the EU statement released last week.

The 4 new rules of advertising from Cannes

Inspired by standout entries in this year’s Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Fast Company shares four new rules to help brands keep up with the next cycle of advertising and brand-building.

Canadian filmmaker releases B2B marketing documentary

Ben Proudfoot, a Canadian filmmaker and Oscar winner, recently released a new film that explores the history of B2B marketing. The Drum talks more about the film, titled Everybody’s Business, and Proudfoot’s inspirations.

While you’re here, did you know we’re hiring a Social Media Specialist? Learn more about the role and apply here.

Are your B2B digital ads getting boring?

Learn how and when to freshen up old ads from our Marketing and Brand Strategist.